On Wed, Nov 02, 2016 at 11:30:37PM -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On 11/2/16, Ben Hearsum <bhear...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> > I've also had a couple of kernel panics lately, and I imagine that could
> > either directly cause issues, or cause issues the next time Firefox starts
> > (and tries to recover).
> SQLite is suppose to recover from a kernel panic without corrupting.
> So I hope that is not the cause of your problem.  See
> https://www.sqlite.org/atomiccommit.html

I strongly suspect Firefox can be blamed, in this case. We occasionly see 
issues for profiles that are shared between multiple versions of the browesr. I 
wish I could confirm this, but I'm not able to reliably reproduce the issue.

> >
> > With that said, I'm still not clear on one thing: how is it that the *new*
> > table and index I've created managed to fail the UNIQUE constraint? Unless
> > my SELECTs were lying to me (maybe due to the corruption?), there are no
> > duplicate guids in moz_places.
> Yes, the SELECTs are lying to you because of the corruption.  Here is
> a SELECT that gets you an honest answer:
>     SELECT * FROM moz_places WHERE +guid='zK2DS06hrAfO';
> The "+" in front of "guid" prevents the use of an index and thereby
> keeps the answer honest.  You'll notice that the above gives you two
> rows.  But only one of those two rows is in the
> moz_places_guid_uniqueindex index and most of the time that index is
> used for lookups, thus hiding the second row.

Ah, I see! Thank you very much for you time and explanation here.

- Ben

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