Currently i'm using sqlite 3.15.0.

I run into the problem that a TEXT field of a TABLE cannot be bind to a string containing a dash. If i remove or replace the dash/dashes against any character the prepared and bind statement works fine.

Here two code fragments. The demo table is like "create table MyTable (SomeTime text)"

    //do not work... runs into commit!! but add nothing to MyTable
int result = sqlite3_exec(validSqlite3, "begin;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (result != SQLITE_OK)
    sqlite3_stmt* stmt = nullptr;
    bool ok = true;
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(validSqlite3, "insert into MyTable (SomeTime) values (?);", -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK)
        ok = false;
if (ok && sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, "2016-11-01 12:00:00", -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK)
        ok = false;
    if (ok && sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE)
        ok = false;
    if (ok && sqlite3_finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK)
        ok = false;
    if (ok)
        sqlite3_exec(validSqlite3, "commit;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
        sqlite3_exec(validSqlite3, "rollback;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

    //same code as above... BUT: no dashes in the text field
//works fine... runs into commit and inserts a new row in MyTable with column SomeTime content: "2016/11/01 12:00:00" int result = sqlite3_exec(validSqlite3, "begin;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (result != SQLITE_OK)
    sqlite3_stmt* stmt = nullptr;
    bool ok = true;
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(validSqlite3, "insert into MyTable (SomeTime) values (?);", -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK)
        ok = false;
if (ok && sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, "2016/11/01 12:00:00", -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK)
        ok = false;
    if (ok && sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE)
        ok = false;
    if (ok && sqlite3_finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK)
        ok = false;
    if (ok)
        sqlite3_exec(validSqlite3, "commit;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
        sqlite3_exec(validSqlite3, "rollback;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

Both commit results with SQLITE_OK. But only the second sample (without dash inside the text) inserts the new row.

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