On Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:30:57 -0500
"pisymbol ." <pisym...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One last thing: This is during initialization and I access the
> database through that query several times before hitting this crash.
> I thought it was memory corruption but it always the same line.

Trying to be helpful, even if it doesn't sound like it: That doesn't
exonerate your code! 

Presumably you do something with the results of those several queries.
Probably what you do is highly deterministic, maybe identical, run upon
run.  Likely is you're just corrupting memory in the same way each
time.  Not corrupting as in "writing to random memory", but as in
"writing in a determistic way to memory you don't mean to".  That the
error is repeatable suggests it's not related to a race condition, but
where threading is concerned that's never a culprit to be dismissed.  

I would run your code under valgrind first.  If that doesn't find
anything, trap the segfault in gdb and find the basis for it, even if
it's deep in the parser.  Some offset/pointer is wrong.  Find out what
it is, and set a watchpoint on it.  If it's as determistic as you say,
I'll lay odds gdb will stop at a *very* surprising place, in your

HTH, really.  

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