> On Nov 15, 2016, at 1:46 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> Do these people admit they're letting their phones run out of power ?  

There’s nothing wrong with letting your phone run out of power, and software 
should be resilient to it. I don’t think that’s the problem, though, because 
mobile OS’s perform a clean shutdown when power drops below a minimum 
threshold, so it’s not like pulling the plug on a desktop computer (or holding 
down the power button on a laptop because the kernel froze.)

> If not, I suspect some sort of programming error somewhere.  Not necessarily 
> in your own programming but sometimes in whatever database API you're using 
> which eventually results in calls to the SQLite API.
> So is your software in C or C++ and calling the SQLite API directly ?

It’s possible. Our Android library is written in Java and uses some Java 
wrapper library around SQLite. I don’t know the details myself.

The case I’m concerned about happens on Macs, as I said, and the developer says 
he can trigger it in his app via a power failure or a forced shutdown (holding 
the power button for 5 seconds.) This version of our library is one I wrote, in 
Objective-C; it uses a thin Obj-C wrapper around SQLite, but it doesn’t do 
anything magic, and although it started out as 3rd party code I’ve tweaked it 
enough that I know it inside and out.

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