Hello Matt,

Matt Froncek wrote:
Are all transactions database locks (not table locks)?

Sqlite doesn't support table or row level locking.

Locking is implemented via file locks.  Hence if you
separate your table space into different databases
and use the ATTACH keyword, you can effectively get
finer grain locking ( but I guess you know that ).

If I prepare a select statement and start stepping on Table A on process one
and pause before finializing and do an update on Table B with process two or
even the same process I will get a database is locked error? Do I understand
that this is how SQLite works or am I doing something wrong?

You're correct I believe.  Sqlite does not support
concurrent writers on the same database.  Also, any
readers will get an SQLITE_SCHEMA error, that is,
"the database schema has changed".

Also we're ( us new to Sqlite ) use to a
"DECLARE...INSENSITIVE...CURSOR" or resultant set
type paradigm where the results of our queries are
*separated* from the actual table data.  Sqlite
doesn't copy the resultant set if you use the step()
API.  Seems one has to get the data needed and close
the transaction as soon as possible.

Does everyone make databases with one table each or what?

Yup, or do your own database marshalling logic.  My
wrapper is ugly, I "TRANSACTION EXCLUSIVE" almost
everything.  I tried many things, but that's what
finally worked for me.  When you have separate
threads and processes doing mixed reads and writes in
the same transaction even "TRANSACTION IMMEDIATE" can
give leave you with unexpected results.


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