Well, the i7 system failed again, but this time it was quite different.
And peculiar.
The system wasn't doing anything, but it should have been.  So I tried
something. It didn't matter what, because I could not get the mouse or
keyboard to work -- it was like they weren't plugged in.  Really like it,
because the caps lock light wasn't on, nor was the laser light visible in
the mouse.  Even when I changed mouse, keyboard and USB slot.  I couldn't
get in with SSH from elsewhere either.  But the computer's "I'm running"
light was on.
So I'm suspecting a partial power failure.  I don't know enough about mobos
and USB to diagnose whether the problem was on the mobo or the power supply.

Creepty.  I had to do a hard reset  to get thing going again, and it's been
running fine for a day now.

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Kevin O'Gorman <kevinogorm...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 9:41 AM, Roger Binns <rog...@rogerbinns.com>
> wrote:
>> On 19/11/16 08:08, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
>> > System with problems: Running Xubuntu Linux 16.04.1, Python 3.5.2.
>> [...]
>> > System without this problem: Running Ubuntu Linux 14.04.5, Python 3.4.3.
>> You are good on Python versions then.  My remaining recommendation is to
>> make the process that does SQLite be a child process (ie no making its
>> own children).  That will eliminate an entire class of potential
>> problems, although it appears unlikely you are experiencing any of them.
>> The final option is to run the process under valgrind.  That will
>> definitively show the cause.  Do note however that you may want to
>> change some of the default options since you have nice big systems.  For
>> example I like to set --freelist-vol and related to very big numbers
>> (several gigabytes) which ensures that freed memory is not reused for a
>> long time.  You could also set the valgrind option so that only one
>> thread is allowed - it will catch inadvertent threading you may note be
>> aware of.
>> Roger
> Thanks for that.  I may do the valgrind thing -- it sounds useful.  But
> just to add
> to my annoyance about this whole things, I've been having both systems
> running
> for a couple of days now with no problems or interruptions.  Remember, the
> i7 system was failing after 2 hours at most.  I did tweak the code a
> little, but
> the only thing that seems likely to have stopped the problem is that I put
> in
> code to do a commit after every 10,000 INSERT statements.  The two systems
> are running identical Python code on the same inputs.  I had intended this
> to
> verify that one fails and the other does not.  What I got is something
> different,
> but on balance I like it best when my processes do not fail out.  Maybe
> this
> time the code will finish (at this rate it will be at least a week, maybe
> three.
> --
> #define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb)) /* Shakespeare */

#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb)) /* Shakespeare */
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