On Dec 11, 2016, at 4:57 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> I agree with most of your changes.  But I wonder about moving the
> QUOTE2 (the '[' character) value from code 0xba over to 0xad.
> According to EBCDIC chart at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EBCDIC the
> '[' character should be at 0xba.  Is wikipedia wrong?

If so, then some obscure company called the International Business Machines 
Corporation is also wrong:


The EBCDIC/ISO-8 chart in appendix I of version 10 of the z/Architecture 
Principles of Operation has [ at 0xba and ] at 0xbb for EBCDIC; it has an 
accented capital Y at 0xad.

However, it's apparently a bit more complicated; different EBCDIC code pages 
apparently give square brackets different code points:


Apparently EBCDIC code page IBM 1047 has [ as 0xad and EBCDIC code page 037 has 
[ as 0xba.  Here's 037:



and here's 1047:



The Wikipedia page on EBCDIC code pages:


says of 1047 "Open Systems (MVS C compiler)", so the issue may be that Brad 
Larsen is using that compiler and it's insisting that '[' is 0xad.
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