Hi, Keith,

On Dec 27, 2016 7:23 AM, "Keith Medcalf" <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

The problem is that your query is broken -- they are not the same.

Double-quotes surround names (table names, column names, index names, view
names, alias names).
Strings (text values) are surrounded by single-quotes.

You just happen to be lucky that your query works since it is malformed
from the get go.  If "leagues" was a column in the table then it would not
work since you would be looking for column equality, not a text value in
the abt_tnam column.

It ought to be:

  FROM "sys.abcattbl"
 WHERE "abt_tnam" = 'leagues'
   AND "abt_ownr" = '';

Your other problem is that you did not bind a value to parameter 2 in the
prepared statement.

  FROM "sys.abcattbl"
 WHERE "abt_tnam" = ?
   AND "abt_ownr" = ?;

So, by default parameter 2 is NULL.  Nothing equals NULL.  Ever.  This is
the definition of a NULL.  Any comparison of any type to NULL always has a
False result.  That is (anything including NULL) <operator> NULL -> NULL
(which is taken as False),  where operator is any of =, <, >, <=, >=, <>.
The only operators that can ever have a non-False result when one side is a
NULL are the operators IS and IS NOT.  Three value logic is a separate

See the second last paragraph (excluding the see also reference paragraphs)
of any of the sqlite3_bind* functions, such as

To understand the difference between a value (of which an empty string is a
value) vs a NULL, see

So, in your C code you need to bind an empty string to parameter 2, and in
the query run in the shell use single-quotes around text values, in order
for the two queries to actually be the same.  Once the queries are the
same, you should expect identical results.

IK>> Does this mean I can't just try to run this in my C code:

"SELECT * FROM \"sys.abcattbl\" WHERE \"abt_tnam\" = ? AND \"abt_ownr\" =

because abt_ownr field will always be empty (unless there is a way to know
what user connected to the DB).

Also I'm just curious - am I to run something like:

res = sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, 2, "", -1, SQLITE_STATIC );

Thank you.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org]
> On Behalf Of Igor Korot
> Sent: Monday, 26 December, 2016 21:24
> To: Discussion of SQLite Database; General Discussion of SQLite Database
> Subject: [sqlite] How do I see a full query?
> Hi, ALL,
> I have a weird situation where executing a query in a shell gives me a
> row,
> but executing the same query through the C-interface:
> sqlite3_prepare_v2(),
> sqlite3_bind_text() and sqlite3_step() produces SQLITE_DONE.
> So I wonder - is it possible to see a full query string inside
> sqlite3_step()?
> I'm using MSVC++2010 ATM with Windows 8.1. Program is compiled as 32-bit
> app.
> From shell:
> C:\Users\Igor\OneDrive\Documents>sqlite3 draft.db
> SQLite version 3.13.0 2016-05-18 10:57:30
> Enter ".help" for usage hints.
> sqlite> SELECT * FROM "sys.abcattbl" WHERE "abt_tnam" = "leagues" AND
> "abt_ownr"
>  = "";
> leagues||||||||||||||||||||||||Leagues table
> sqlite>
> From the code routine (it is C++):
>     sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
>     std::wstring errorMessage;
>     int result;
>     std::wstring query = L"SELECT * FROM \"sys.abcattbl\" WHERE
> \"abt_tnam\" = ? AND \"abt_ownr\" = \"\";";
>     const unsigned char *dataFontName, *headingFontName, *labelFontName;
>     int res = sqlite3_prepare_v2( m_db,
> sqlite_pimpl->m_myconv.to_bytes( query.c_str() ).c_str(), (int)
> query.length(), &stmt, 0 );
>     if( res == SQLITE_OK )
>     {
>         res = sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, 1,
> sqlite_pimpl->m_myconv.to_bytes( table->GetTableName().c_str()
> ).c_str(), -1, SQLITE_STATIC );
>         if( res == SQLITE_OK )
>         {
>             while( true )
>             {
>                 res = sqlite3_step( stmt );
> where sqlite_pimpl is:
> struct SQLiteDatabase::SQLiteImpl
> {
>     std::wstring m_catalog;
>     std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t> > m_myconv;
> };
> Thank you.
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