
The problem described here occurs both with the x32 and x64 versions of the 
expert personal 4 (Windows 10). Hereafter, a little database to show the bug. 

The table "sample" is used to store words occurring in texts. Texts are 
identified by an id number. 

textid INT, 
word VARCHAR(100), 
UNIQUE (textid,word) 

CREATE INDEX [word index] ON [sample] ([word]); 


Now, one wants to list all the tuples corresponding to the texts containing the 
word "fruit". In the table above, only the texts 1 and 2 contains the word 
"fruit". Therefore, the expected result must be : 

RecNo textid word 
----- ------ ------ 
1 1 apple 
2 1 fruit 
3 1 hello 
4 1 world 
5 2 banana 
6 2 fruit 

The following SQL request should achieve the goal : 

SELECT l2.textid, l2.[word] 
FROM sample AS l1, sample AS l2 
WHERE (l1.[word] = 'fruit' ) and (l2.[textid] = l1.[textid]) 

But il does not since it delivers the wrong answer : 

RecNo textid word 
----- ------ ----- 
1 1 fruit 
2 1 fruit 
3 1 fruit 
4 1 fruit 
5 2 fruit 
6 2 fruit 

However, by adjoining in the SELECT part of the above request either a constant 
string or the command DISTINCT , then the result becomes correct ! 

SELECT "happy new year", l2.textid, l2.[word] 
FROM sample AS l1, sample AS l2 
WHERE (l1.[word] = 'fruit' ) and (l2.[textid] = l1.[textid]) 

RecNo 'happy new year' textid word 
----- ---------------- ------ ------ 
1 happy new year 1 apple 
2 happy new year 1 fruit 
3 happy new year 1 hello 
4 happy new year 1 world 
5 happy new year 2 banana 
6 happy new year 2 fruit 

SELECT DISTINCT l2.textid, l2.[word] 
FROM sample AS l1, sample AS l2 
WHERE (l1.[word] = 'fruit' ) and (l2.[textid] = l1.[textid]) 

RecNo textid word 
----- ------ ------ 
1 1 apple 
2 1 fruit 
3 1 hello 
4 1 world 
5 2 banana 
6 2 fruit 

Thank you for your reading. Please, notice that this "strange" behavior does 
not occur with the version 3 of Sqlite expert personal. 

Claude Del Vigna 

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