On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 1:26 PM, Chen, Hui <hui.c...@worldreach.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I just recently started integrating System.Data.SQLite.dll into my
> project, I started with a very simple winform application.
> I have a very simple method to create a connection, txtSqliteFile is
> textbox for db file location.
> SQLiteConnection GetConnection()
> {
>     string connectionString = "Data Source=" + txtSqliteFile.Text +
> ";Version=3;datetimeformat=CurrentCulture";
>     SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString);
>     return conn;
> }
> Then in a button handler I have these to open a connection.
> SQLiteConnection conn = GetConnection();
> conn.Open();
> whenever Open method is called, Following exception thrown
> Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication
> that other memory is corrupt.
> If I remove [STAThread] attribute from Main, it opens connections without
> problem, but my OpenFileDialgue blows up, I have to have [STAThread] on
> Main method.
> SQLite documentation says that I can change the threading model, but
> doesn't say how this can be achieved in C#. all examples are in C/C++
> Can anyone give me a hint?


        K e V i N

> Thanks
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