On 9/8/05, Dennis Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The point being that if I sum up the rows using "sum()", I could get one
> answer. However, if I iterate the cursor in a stored procedure and
> manually sum them up using " accum += value" I would get a different
> answer. The math is inconsistant (in postgresql anyway). I actaully
> did not test sqlite :). I was just posting this to bring up the point
> about consistnecy. I'll let those with more knowledge than me hash it
> out. (no pun there).

Depends on if you start with accum = 0;
If you don't it throws an exception, if you do, then you get zero (for an 
empty set).
That's the crux of the difference in philosophies.

The Castles of Dereth Calendar: a tour of the art and architecture of 
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