> On Jan 31, 2017, at 9:39 AM, James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:
> According the SQL standard, every SQL statement is atomic.  SELECT has
> no beginning and no end: the results it returns reflect the state of
> the database as of the moment the statement was executed.  If you fetch
> the last row six days after the first, it still belongs to the database
> as it stood when you began.  

That is the behavior I was assuming and desiring, but it’s not what actually 
occurs. If there are concurrent mutations in the same connection, the rows 
returned by SELECT do _not_ reflect the prior state of the database, but suffer 
from “undefined” behavior. In other words, there is a lack of isolation between 
the SELECT and the concurrent UPDATEs.

It’s possible I’m misunderstanding your point, though!

My immediate workaround (implemented last night) is to iterate over the 
statement at the moment the query is run, saving all the rows in memory. Our 
enumerator object then just reads and returns successive rows from that list.

In the medium term I have ideas for optimizations that can let us avoid this 
memory hit in most circumstances (since most queries are not made at the same 
time as mutations.) For example, I could use the original enumerator behavior 
by default, but when the client requests a mutation I first notify all 
in-progress enumerators [on that connection], which will immediately read the 
rest of their rows into memory.

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