I remember reading that the C libraries of both versions can be used in the same executable, and I may have drawn the incorrect conclusion that the TCL bindings can be used together, too.

Below is a listing that shows the problem, but in a nutshell, it seems that loading version 3 after version 2 corrupts the former:

$ tclsh
% load tclsqlite.dll
% sqlite sq mydb.sq2
% sq eval "select sql from sqlite_master"
{create table a(b,c)}
% load tclsqlite3.dll
conflicting versions provided for package "sqlite": 2.0, then 3.0
% sq eval "select sql from sqlite_master"
{create table a(b,c)}
% sqlite3 sq3 mydb.sq3
% sq3 eval "select sql from sqlite_master"
% sqlite sq mydb.sq2
% sq eval "select sql from sqlite_master"
file is encrypted or is not a database

From the above it appears that the[sq] command created by using [sqlite] still works after loading version 3, but [sqlite] gets messed up and can no longer create a new sq.

If the .dll files are loaded in the other order, both versions still seem to work:

$ tclsh
% load tclsqlite3.dll
% load tclsqlite.dll
conflicting versions provided for package "sqlite": 3.0, then 2.0
% sqlite sq mydb.sq2
% sq eval "select sql from sqlite_master"
{create table a(b,c)}
% sqlite3 sq3 mydb.sq3
% sq3 eval "select sql from sqlite_master"

I can see at least a couple possibilities: 1) There is a fundamental incompatibility, and further testing would show that the seeming success of the second example is just a fluke. 2) The behavior is as expected, and there are good reasons why loading 3 then 2 works but loading 2 then 3 doesn't, and such behavior can be counted on in future releases of version 3. 3) The two should behave properly no matter which order they are loaded in, and I have found an error.

I am hoping the answer is not 1), because I am planning to try to add a conversion routine (2->3 and 3->2) to my TCL/TK/SQLite utility.

TIA for any help,

Gerry Snyder
American Iris Society Director, Symposium Chair
in warm, winterless Los Angeles -- USDA zone 9b, Sunset 18-19

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