I'm still pretty new to sqlite but have written a few
test programs over the last month and gotten everthing
working well.  For small-to-medium sized tables, the
performance is great - this is a wonderful tool to use
for large and complex application files, especially
ones where there is variable sized blocks of data
burried within the structure.  I'm really happy.

I'm about to start porting the code to an embedded
platform and remember seeing some information about
porting issues somewhere but can't find it again. 
This seems to happen a lot with sqlite.org.  I'm not
complaining, honest, but I'm wondering if I'm missing
some organization tool to the web site that will allow
me to find things.

For example, using google I accidentally found
http://www.sqlite.org/php2004/slides-all.html which is
a wonderful set of slides about sqlite.  I don't think
that this page is available as a link from any of the
top links on the sqlite.org web pages.  Am I missing
something?  Is there a way to get a directory of
everything that is out there?  I tried using ftp on
sqlite.org but couldn't access it.

Are there any more hints, ideas, secrets to porting
this to another C environment other than the page of
"Compilation Options" in the Documentation section?

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