On 2017/02/09 2:55 AM, James K. Lowden wrote:

some complicated statements can take minutes to simply prepare on a
large DB
I doubt that.  I've never seen it, and I see no reason it should be
true.  A huge SQL query might be 1000 tokens.  Why should preparing it
take 1 second, let alone minutes?


I would doubt it too - I know it doesn't feel sensible, and I was quite surprised when I experienced it the first time, but after I realised what was going on, it made sense (at least, I hope I have the right idea, this is purely me guessing at the inner workings of SQLite, but the fact remains: Preparing some statements can take a lot of time).

ISTM that it's a case of SQLite having to run through the set-up of a statement before embarking on the row production (via STEP, RESET etc.)

Consider a complicated SELECT statement with CTEs galore that group up items and then hold the aggregates and the like, then the final SELECT selects from those CTEs. The sqlite3_prepare() [and its ilk] has to compute all the CTEs to know the answers before being able to pop out the first line of the final SELECT in the first sqlite3_step() that follows. My initial thoughts was that the prepare just wrote the internal program, and only when the step() is called does any processing take place - but from my tests it seems the sqlite3_prepare() itself does a whole lot of processing, and it made sense to me afterward. I believe even the simple case of LIMIT x, y causes the prepare to iterate over the first x lines before handing control back to the app awaiting the step(). Another beast prepare() was doing "SELECT COUNT(a) FROM t;" where a was not indexed and t was huge.

I could however be wrong, my testing was limited to my own curiosity and testing some premises for the SQLite tools I made, and it's a bit long ago, but I seem to recall it this way.

Maybe someone with real knowledge on this could weigh in.

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