> > If you just want 10 records with the highest modified or created time I
> > think this will do it:
> >
> > select *
> > from tbl
> > order by max(created_on,modified_on) desc
> I didn't realize MAX could be used in ORDER BY.
> However, the above does not work. It seems to overlook all the records
> which have a created_on date but no modified_on date. For example, even
> the most latest record created but not yet modified doesn't show up in
> the above query result. It seems to pull only those records which have
> a valid value for both created_on and modified_on columns.

Oh. Sorry, forgot about NULLS :(
You could either wrap the modified_on field with a function to return the 
creation date if it's null, or assign a modified date to every record equal 
to the create date when the record is created.

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