Jens Alfke wrote:
> With clock speed having stalled, the only way to take advantage of
> modern CPUs (and GPUs!) is to go parallel.

But "go parallel" does not necessarily imply threads.  There are many
ways to allow code running on different CPUs(/cores) to communicate
with each other (e.g., files, sockets, message queues, pipes, shared
memory, etc.), and almost all of them are safer than threading because
they do not require that _all_ of the address space and the process
context are shared.  When using threads, all memory accesses are unsafe
by default, and it is then the job of the programmer to manually add
some form of locking to make it safe again.

Threading is the most extreme method of achieving parallelism, and
therefore should be used only as the last resort.  (I'd compare it to
assembly code in this regard.)

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