You could try this, inspired by classic algorithms of temporal databases:

create table T(date integer,test char(12));
insert into T
values (1,'clim'),(3,'clim'),(7,'amb'),(10,'amb'),(12,'xxx'),

create table TT(seq integer not null primary key autoincrement,date integer,test char(12));
insert into TT(date,test) select * from T order by date;

select,, T1.test
from   TT T1, TT T3
-- More efficient than "where <="
where  T1.seq <= T3.seq
and    T1.test = T3.test
and    not exists(select * from TT where seq = T1.seq-1 and test = T1.test)
and    not exists(select * from TT where seq = T3.seq+1 and test = T3.test)
and    not exists(select *
                 from   TT T2
-- More efficient than "where between and"
                 where  T2.seq between T1.seq and T3.seq
                 and    T2.test <> T1.test);


| date | date | test |
| 1    | 3    | clim |
| 7    | 10   | amb  |
| 12   | 12   | xxx  |
| 13   | 20   | clim |
| 22   | 25   | amb  |

Working table TT is recommended to create an ordered sequence of rows in which "next" and "previous" rows are more easily described than in the source table. Avoid "order by" on views. It works in SQLite but it should not!

The idea is to identify maximal sequences of identical "test" values as follow:
- T1 denotes the first row of a sequence
- T3 the last row
- T2 any "disturbing" row lying between T1 and T3 but with a different value of "test" - first "not exists" condition states that T1 must be the very first of the sequence: it must not be immediately preceded by a row with same value of "test"
- same for second "not exists" condition: T3 must be the last
- the third "not exists" condition states that there is no "disturbing" row between T1 and T3.

Valid if maximal sequences do not overlap. This query also detects single row sequences (e.g., 'xxx').
An index on TT.test may be useful to support T1*T3 join.

For large tables, an iterative procedure will be faster, though less elegant!


Jean-Luc Hainaut

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