2017-02-15 11:12 GMT+01:00 Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com>:

> 2017-02-15 5:40 GMT+01:00 Darko Volaric <li...@darko.org>:
>> The problem is that you're giving your column a type when you don't want
>> it
>> to have. If the second last line was "message NOT NULL" you'd get exactly
>> what you're asking for.
> ​When the table was designed (many years ago) it was logical to make it a
> TEXT field, but a little over a month ago I began also storing data that is
> a count. I will convert the table and look what happens to the data.

​Just had to execute:
UPDATE messages
SET    message = CAST(message AS INTEGER)
WHERE  type = 'download-count'

​I also use the table to store cpu temperature. (Which is a REAL.) I had to
change the code a bit, because it stored the temperature as a string.​

Cecil Westerhof
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