> On Feb 16, 2017, at 6:26 PM, James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:
> It doesn't change the fact that the OS has subverted the
> guarantees your language would otherwise provide, such as the atomicity
> of ++i noted elsewhere in this thread.  

It’s not the OS, it’s the architecture of multiprocessor systems. A 
read-modify-write cycle on an address in main memory is intrinsically _not_ 
atomic on a multiprocessor system, not unless the CPU goes through some 
expensive efforts to make it so (cache invalidation, bus locking, etc.) You can 
get that behavior if you like by using libraries like stdatomic or the C++ 
atomic types, but it makes the operation much, much slower.

> In
> each case, at any one moment there is only one thread of control over
> any given section of logic.  

That’s nice, but that’s just not the way the memory architectures of current 
computers work. Threaded programming happens to expose that behavior because it 
allows simultaneous read/write access to memory, and the semantics of that are 
subtle and weird. (It’s a distributed system after all. Distributed systems are 
rather Einsteinian: they don’t have strong causality.)

> It's too bad they adopted threads as
> their concurrency-management medium.  If they'd chosen CSP instead,
> maybe they wouldn't have set computing back two decades.  

No, they’d never have shipped a useable product. The attractive thing about 
threads is that they’re cheap and efficient. Higher level constructs like CSP 
are great, but they have a lot of overhead. For example, look at Mach: as 
originally implemented, it had a tiny kernel that only did message-passing, and 
everything else was implemented as separate processes that communicated by 
messaging. Unfortunately it was too slow to be useful. Every OS ever shipped by 
NeXT and Apple has a monolithic kernel based on BSD, with Mach messaging only 
used for higher-level tasks.

It’s really easy to point to hard work done by other engineers and insult it 
without any knowledge of the actual design constraints and development issues. 
I hear it all the time, and personally I am sick of that attitude.

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