> On Mar 4, 2017, at 8:50 AM, J Decker <d3c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All blobs I've used in SQL are themselves atomic and partial updates would
> never be useful.  (images, fingerprints, etc.)  If you're updating parts of
> blobs then probably you mean that blob to be in multiple parts or broken
> into separate fields.

I think you’re over-generalizing from your own experience.
One might be downloading a blob, and receiving the content-length up front but 
the data in chunks.
One might be storing a large mutable set of integers as a bitmap.

(I’m not thinking specifically of updating a blob via SQL, just of use cases 
for partial updates of blobs.)

A fun but impractical use case would be to implement a VFS that lets you store 
a SQLite database within a blob in another SQLite database. SQLinception!

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