Hello Jens !

Nice to know this project, I'll look at it.

Cheers !

On 23/03/17 15:05, Jens Alfke wrote:
On Mar 23, 2017, at 4:30 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

BLOBs are reserved for a future enhancement in which BLOBs will store the 
binary encoding for JSON.
I’ve been down this road. There are a number of JSON-compatible binary encoding 
formats, but most of them don’t save much time, because (a) they’re not _that_ 
much faster to parse, (b) reading JSON tends to be dominated by allocating an 
object tree, not by the actual parsing, and (c) usually you have to parse the 
entire data even if you only want to use one piece of it [as in a query].

I ended up designing and implementing a new format, called Fleece*. Its 
advantage is that it doesn’t require parsing or even memory allocation. The 
internal structure is already an object tree, except that it uses compressed 
relative offsets instead of pointers. This means that internal pointers into 
Fleece data can be used directly as the data objects.

In my current project** we’re storing Fleece in SQLite instead of JSON, with a 
modified version of the json1 extension to make it accessible in queries. It 
works very well. The Fleece equivalent of json_extract( ) just does some 
pointer manipulation to find the root object in the blob, then further lookups 
to jump to each nested object in the path.


* https://github.com/couchbaselabs/fleece 
** https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-core
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