On Mar 25, 2017, at 5:52 PM, petern <peter.nichvolo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So finally, here is the question.  Is there a SQLite API way for reader
> connections to block and wait for a meaningful change, like a new row, in
> the 'cmd' table instead of madly polling and using up database concurrency
> resources?  [Block with timeout would be even more desirable of course.]

No, there is not.  As others have pointed out, this is not a very “databasey” 
thing.  The whole point of relational, ACID transaction databases is that they 
provide an atomic “snapshot in time” view of a data set.  They do everything 
they can hide changes within a transaction, and there is no way to issue a 
SELECT outside of a transaction.

It sounds like you really need a message queue of some type, more of a pub/sub 
infrastructure.  There are dozens of products out there that do this.  That 
said, if all the processes are on a single system (as they would have to be to 
be using SQLite to communicate) it might make a lot more sense to use a simple 
text file.  One writer (or more) can append lines, and multiple processes can 
read from the end, using blocking I/O on the file, not unlike a “tail -f” in 
the UNIX world.  If you keep track of which line number you’re on, you can 
retry or re-pickup if a reader process needs to restart, plus the file provides 
a log of all messages.  Simple, easy, and straight forward.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y @ K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it, but showing 
it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them feel uncomfortable." -- 
Angela Johnson

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