On 2017/03/31 12:08 PM, 邱朗 wrote:
Say my mobile app has a customer table, a product table, and an order table to 
record who buys what, the order table basically has 2 foreign keys, customer_id 
& product_id.

Now I got the order information first, within in it I can't find the customer information 
in my local sqlite table. As it turns out this is a new customer, whose information will 
come later from another thread/queue. To make things even worse the customer id I got 
from the order information is not the same one I used locally. My local customer id is 
INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (I do record that "true customer id" as another column and 
set index on it)

So how I do record this order information? I can come up with some clumsy solution, e.g. if I 
can't find contact info, I insert a record for it first. Later after I get the real 
information for this customer, I update customer & order table. But I was wondering is 
there any "standard" way for the situation like this?
BTW, I did ask the same question at stackoverflow, but because I use sqlite 
(while all the data come from web storing in MySQL) I was wondering if sqlite 
has any specific solution for it.

Your question would arise no matter which DB you use, so it's not really an SQLite question - but - we're a fun bunch of people, and many here would have run into the same problem, so you might find some answers.

To start with, Your "clumsy" idea is not so clumsy, it is a practice some people use. The flaw in that is when the customer actually existed already, you just didn't know who it was, so now you end up with 2 records that mean the same customer with disjointed keys and Orders connected to both.

What we usually do is put any orders that are new in a table that looks exactly like the orders table (only without any foreign key constraints and such) and then move them to the main order table as soon as they are confirmed and connected to a customer. This also helps if this is, for instance, an online interface or help-desk type system and people can make orders which they might still cancel or amend, etc. The biggest problem with this method is that for queries on "current orders" you would need to join the output from the two tables - easy enough to do, but if you already have millions of lines of code, it could involve a lot of changes.

Another option is to create an "Unknown" customer, and link any new orders to it. You can easily change that parent-id on the order later.

If however your problem boils down to you not being "sure" if you have now the correct parent (at the point of insert) - we can't help you with that. You have to either be sure, or use a temporary situation until you are.

Whatever the solution you find, at the point stuff gets inserted to a permanent table with foreign key constraints, all the correct constraint-related information/links has to be known.

HTH - Cheers,

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