How do I convince SQLITE to give me SEARCH semantics over a virtual table 
instead of SCAN semantics?

e.g. I have:

explain query plan SELECT * FROM vtable WHERE value = 12345

0 | 0 | 0 | SCAN TABLE vtable VIRTUAL TABLE INDEX 1:

And I'm returning in xBestIndex:
   pIdxInfo->idxNum = 1;
   pIdxInfo->idxFlags = SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_UNIQUE;
   pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[0].argvIndex = 1;
   pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[0].omit = true;
   pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 1;
   pIdxInfo->estimatedRows = 1;

So obviously the explain might just be iffy, but I'm actually getting SCAN 
semantics. Well, somewhere between SEARCH & SCAN.

I can perform a true search for the '12345' item between xBestIndex & xFilter, 
but after I returned the first item, SQLITE keeps calling back my xNext/xEof to 
ask for more and more items. However... I'm specifying SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_UNIQUE 
so why doesn't it stop after I returned the first one?

Lacking convincing it to call me more than once... I then tried to tell it that 
the results I return are ordered and maybe it will notice once it runs beyond 
the range. Since there's no way to return an unsolicited order in xBestIndex, 
I've tried:

SELECT * FROM vtable WHERE value = 12345 ORDER BY value

And then responded:
  pIdxInfo->orderByConsumed = 1;

to the request. But nada - it still keeps calling me over and over.

I know I can hack around that by mucking around in my xEof call, but is that 
the only way? It really does seem like SQLITE_INDEX_SCAN_UNIQUE (or something 
similar) should achieve SEARCH semantics directly?

- Deon

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