-----Original Message----- From: Simon Slavin

I notice that the command on those lines is "sql" rather than the "sqlite3" I would expect. Tony, do you get the same error if you type those things into the SQLite3 shell, rather than feeding them in using >your command shell ? It works fine for me. If not, what shell are you using ?

I'm also using SQLite version 3.18.0 2017-03-28 18:48:43

SQL is the latest release version of SQLITE3 renamed to SQL so that
1. it does not collide with the latest trunk which I keep as SQLITE3 for testing, and
2. because it's faster/easier to type all the time.

I noticed you have the same version but there is no column in the INSERT statement. This got me thinking what is different. And, I remembered that I have a headers on default on mine.

So, please try this instead:

sql xxx.db ".headers on" ".dump"
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