Ralf Junker <ralfjun...@gmx.de> wrote:

> SQLite on Windows crashes when running this test:
>   n_structure_100000_opening_arrays.json
> The crash results from a stack overflow because json_valid() is implemented
> using a recursive parser. All versions of json1.c up to current trunk are
> affected.
> Here is a small SQL snippet that also triggers the overflow:
>   SELECT json_valid(json) FROM (
>       cnt(x) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM cnt
>         WHERE x < 40000) -- Eventually increase this!
>     SELECT group_concat('[', '') AS json FROM cnt);
> Depending on compiler and available stack, you may need to increase 40000 to
> a larger number to reproduce the problem. sqlite3.exe 3.18.0 on Windows 7
> ran out of stack at around 35000.
> The problem might escape Linux testing because it usually has a much larger
> default stack size than Windows.
> One solution would be to limit the parser's nesting depth as RFC 7159
> allows:
>   https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159#section-9
> Ralf

A better solution is to avoid recursion when parsing JSON.

JSON parsing in Vim had the same kind of problem and it was
reworked in vim-8.0.169 to avoid recursion to be able to
parse n_structure_100000_opening_arrays.json.
It can be a big change though.

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