Thanks I filed this as Ticket 1431 and requested they add your diagram
to lockingv3.html


Christian Smith wrote:

>On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Amin Azez wrote:
>>FAQ 7
>>(7) Can multiple applications or multiple instances of the same
>>application access a single database file at the same time?
>>   Multiple processes can have the same database open at the same time.
>>Multiple processes can be doing a SELECT at the same time. But only one
>>process can be making changes to the database at once.....
>>This answer fails to make clear whether or not the multiple readers can
>>read while the single writer is writing, or whether the writer blocks
>>the readers and the readers block pending writers (like mysql non-innodb
>>Could someone please clairify this point.
>Locking in SQLite is detailed here:
>In summary:
>SQLite uses multiple readers/single writer locking. A writer can operate
>concurrently with readers until it is ready to commit or spill data from
>it's cache. In this case, it waits for readers to finish, then gets an
>exclusive write lock and writes it's data. Thus, the following concurrency
>is available to SQLite:
>  time ---->
>Reader >-------------|
>Reader     >-------------|
>Reader       >----------|
>Writer        >-------c***----|
>Reader           >***********-------------|
>- Executing query
>c Commit
>* Blocked by lock
>>Start of query
>| End of query
>The last reader above is blocked from starting by the writer until the
>writer commits. If the writer commits before the last reader has finished,
>it is blocked.
>It might be worth raising a ticket (
>to have the FAQ reference the locking document.

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