On 4/15/17, Manoj Sengottuvel <smanoj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Is it possible to create the Stored Procedure (SP) in Sqlite?
> if not , is there any alternate way for SP?

Short answer:  No.

Longer answer:  With SQLite, your application is the stored procedure.
In a traditional client/server database like PostgreSQL or Oracle or
SQL Server, every SQL statement involves a round-trip to the server.
So there is a lot of latency with each command.  The way applications
overcome this latency is to put many queries into a stored procedure,
so that only the stored procedure invocation needs to travel over the
wire and latency is reduced to a single server round-trip.

But with SQLite, each statement is just a procedure call.  There is no
network traffic, not IPC, and hence very little latency.  Applications
that use SQLite can be very "chatty" with the database and that is not
a problem.  For example, the SQLite website is backed by SQLite (duh!)
and a typical page request involves 200 to 300 separate queries.  That
would be a performance killer with a client/server database, but with
SQLite it is not a problem and the pages render in about 5
D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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