On 5/10/17, Jason Vas Dias <jason.vas.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now I would like run some some 'test suite' that will allow me to
> determine if the build is OK - but there appears to be none :

As Simon already pointed out, you have download the pre-compiled
"amalgamation" sources.  That tarball does not include any tests, in
as much as the source code to the amalgamation has already been
thoroughly tested.

The TCL tests are available in the canonical source tree at

The SQLLOGICTEST suite is available in a separate repository at

Both of the test suites above are designed to test the source code,
not machine code. By this I mean that both of the test suites above
compile SQLite separately and either build SQLite into a test
application, or use non-standard compile-time options to facilitate
testing.  Machine code is generated for the test suites above, but it
is not exactly the same machine code that will be generated for your
application.  The tests above are very powerful for verifying the
correctness of the SQLite source code, but since they are not "fly
what you test and test what you fly" they do not qualify as tests for
the generated machine code.  In other words, the test suites above
assume there are no bugs in your C compiler.

The source code in "sqlite3.c" has already been thoroughly tested for
you.  So if you trust your compiler to correctly convert C source code
into machine code, no further testing should be necessary.

If you do not trust your compiler and/or you want to independently
verify that the generated machine code you are actually shipping is
correct, that requires the TH3 test suite, which is not open source.

Note that most people explicitly trust their C compilers.  In fact,
both Apple and Google do their own builds of SQLite for MacOS/iOS and
Android that use the SQLITE_UNTESTABLE
(https://www.sqlite.org/compile.html#untestable) compile-time option,
thereby preventing you from completely testing the machine code even
if you wanted to and have access to TH3.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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