Make sure your CSV file is save as UTF-8 with encoding. If it is, then the import piece of Lazarus does not pick up UTF8 characters correctly. If any text file has an encoding or Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the beginning of the file, a good program should be able to interpret the correct encoding and provide the correct display of the various characters.

-----Original Message----- From: hfiandor
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 5:18 PM
Subject: [sqlite] problem with special letters

Dear collegues:

i have an application with two ways to introduce data in the associate
table: by keyboard o thru a bottom named "Insert".

My language is Spanish, and some letters can have a special sign: a and á,
for example.

If i introduce a word as Biología by the keyboard, no problem. The table
write in the corresponding field "Biología".

If i prepare a file.csv with the data, no problem with the .csv file. The
file has "Biología"-

if i use the Insert bottom, the program read the file.csv and then follow
the instruction "insert into ......", and here is a problem.

The SQLite table don´t write "Biología" as I suppose, the program write

When i try to prepare a Report, copy exactly what the table has: "Biolog¿a".

I think: Lazarus work well when the data is introduced by keyboard, but
something fail when read a .csv (Biología) and translate to the SQLite´table
"Biolog¿a" with the insert into... command.

I will appreciate very much if somebody can help me.

Thanks in advance,


Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario

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