On 09/06/17 14:47, Richard Hipp wrote:
The documentation has been updated to clarify the ambiguity and to
hopefully make it easier to understand.

Thanks. The exception for non-TEMP triggers is something I was hoping for too:

For non-TEMP triggers, the table to be modified or queried must exist in the same database as the table or view to which the trigger is attached. TEMP triggers are not subject to the same-database rule. A TEMP trigger is allowed to query or modify any table in any ATTACH <https://sqlite.org/lang_attach.html>-ed database.

But it doesn't seem to work this way yet. (3.19.3). Is this a coming change?

create table t (x);
insert into t values (0);
create temp view v as select * from t;

create temp trigger trg1 instead of update on temp.v
    update temp.t set x = new.x;

Error: near line 5: qualified table names are not allowed on INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements within triggers

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