Thank you very much, Dr. Hipp.  I am glad I was not imagining a problem
that nobody else could reproduce.  If you need any additional details or if
you can think of any other way I can help with the investigation, please
let me know.

Balaji Ramanathan

PS:  This is going to sound stupid, but I would like to know how to
download older versions of sqlite.  The website seems to have
links only to downloads for the latest version.  I can read the changelog
and other details for older versions, but I can't seem to find a link to
download the older version of the program itself.

For instance, the latest release before the bug was introduced seems to be
version 3.18.0, released on 3/30.  I can read the changelog and bugfixes at, but no link on that page
seems to lead to a download page.  I wanted to downgrade to an older
version while I wait for this to be fixed, but I can't seem to figure out
how to do that.  Thank you in advance for any pointers.

> Hi,
>     I maintain a personal database on sqlite.  It is quite small, with
> about 30 tables, and an equal number of views.  One of these views is an
> inner join of the contents of about 15 of these views, producing a summary
> view of my data.  The views combined in this summary view contain about
> 3200 rows each, and the summary view usually runs in about 2 seconds or
> less.
>     Everything was working fine under 3.15.  I just use the commandline
> tool (sqlite.exe) to interact with my database.  I am not a programmer and
> don't have a need for programmatic access to this database.  I recently
> updated to 3.19.3, and now when I select from that summary view, I get no
> results - the query just runs for minutes on end, and I eventually lose
> patience and kill the process with a ctrl-c.

Thanks for the test case!

Bisecting shows that the problem is the optimization introduced here:

I still do not understand the details.  But we'll be working on it.

D. Richard Hipp
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