On 2017/06/14 7:08 AM, Wout Mertens wrote:
Is there a way to specify the starting rowid when using autoincrement?

Or should I insert and then remove a row with the id set to one less than
the desired id?

This is quite easy, but first it is helpful to understand the mechanism by which SQLite keeps track of the Primary Key Auto-Inc value.

If you define a primary key that is of type INT, and omit the AUTOINCREMENT directive, then you will still have a primary key that increments if you don't specify the value directly by virtue of primary keys being UNIQUE and requires a value, so it's safe to bet if you adding a key without specifying the value for it, you intend for it to be automatic. BUT, the next increment value depends on the DB engine guessing what it should be based on existing key values (which can cause re-used keys that used to exist for now-deleted items).

If you do define the AUTOINCREMENT directive, then SQLite promises to always increment the value by one from the last time a value was inserted - whether that value has been deleted or changed etc. - i.e. it promises to never re-use a key. It achieves this by keeping a table, namely the "sqlite_sequence" system-generated table, with references to each table using AUTOINCREMENT and its Key based on the last value used for the referred table.

You can simply change the values in this reference table to inform the next AUTOINCREMENTed value you would like for the specific table-name.

I'm not sure now if references inside this sqlite_sequence table exists the moment you create a table with an AUTOINCREMENT key, or only once you insert for the first time, but it is easy to check and handle both ways.

Taking all this into account, that is why (as another post suggested) the equivalent in SQLite for other SQL DB's:

would be something like:
UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq = 5 WHERE name = 'myTable';

Good luck!

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