Should be fixed now.  Thanks for the bug report.

On 6/26/17, Paul Sanderson <> wrote:
> The DBStat web page defines that schema of the virtual table as follows
> with path defined as an integer
> CREATE TABLE dbstat(
>   name       STRING,     -- Name of table or index
>   path       INTEGER,    -- Path to page from root
>   pageno     INTEGER,    -- Page number
>   pagetype   STRING,     -- 'internal', 'leaf' or 'overflow'
>   ncell      INTEGER,    -- Cells on page (0 for overflow)
>   payload    INTEGER,    -- Bytes of payload on this page
>   unused     INTEGER,    -- Bytes of unused space on this page
>   mx_payload INTEGER,    -- Largest payload size of all cells on this page
>   pgoffset   INTEGER,    -- Offset of page in file
>   pgsize     INTEGER,    -- Size of the page
>   schema     TEXT HIDDEN -- The database being analyzed
> );
> the sqlite3.c source shows it correctly with path defined as TEXT
> #define VTAB_SCHEMA
> \
>   "CREATE TABLE xx( "
> \
>   "  name       TEXT,             /* Name of table or index */"
> \
>   "  path       TEXT,             /* Path to page from root */"
> \
>   "  pageno     INTEGER,          /* Page number */"
> \
>   "  pagetype   TEXT,             /* 'internal', 'leaf' or 'overflow' */"
> \
>   "  ncell      INTEGER,          /* Cells on page (0 for overflow) */"
> \
>   "  payload    INTEGER,          /* Bytes of payload on this page */"
> \
>   "  unused     INTEGER,          /* Bytes of unused space on this page */"
> \
>   "  mx_payload INTEGER,          /* Largest payload size of all cells */"
> \
>   "  pgoffset   INTEGER,          /* Offset of page in file */"
> \
>   "  pgsize     INTEGER,          /* Size of the page */"
> \
>   "  schema     TEXT HIDDEN       /* Database schema being analyzed */"
> \
>   ");"
> Paul
> skype: r3scue193
> twitter: @sandersonforens
> Tel +44 (0)1326 572786
> -Forensic Toolkit for SQLite
> email from a work address for a fully functional demo licence
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