On samedi 1 juillet 2017 06:07:30 CEST Richard Hipp wrote:
> I'm confused...
> Are you reporting that clusterfuzz found a bug in SQLite that was
> fixed in version 3.17.0?

Seth, I can turn the Launchpad bug report as public if you wish. I marked it 
privately if Ubuntu 
felt it was better. I don't care that much about disclosing it publicly.

Richard, yes. I bisected the issue (heap buffer overfow read on corrupted 
database, on a 
SELECT on a RTree) to a commit that appeared first in 3.17.0, but the commit 
explictly mention fixing a corruption issue. It looks like more a side effect. 
Ubuntu 16.04 ship 
with sqlite 3.11.0 . I managed to apply the patch corresponding to the commit 
on top of 
3.11.0, and it fixed the issue in 3.11.0 as well, but I don't have the 
expertise to know if it is a 
safe backport.


> On 6/30/17, Seth Arnold <seth.arn...@canonical.com> wrote:
> > Hello; Even Rouault privately reported to Ubuntu Launchpad a bug in
> > sqlite3 as shipped in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (and possibly other releases,
> > so far I've not tested the others). Valgrind reports multiple 1 byte
> > invalid reads.
> > 
> > This bug was discovered by Google's clusterfuzz project when fuzzing GDAL.
> > 
> > The currently-closed bugs are:
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sqlite3/+bug/1700937
> > https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=2405
> > 
> > This apparently was fixed before 3.17.
> > 
> > How should we proceed? I feel awkwardly out of place since clusterfuzz
> > didn't report the bug to me but I do have a database and instructions
> > to reproduce it. I'm guessing that probably the GDAL team would need
> > help from the sqlite3 team to address the issue anyway. I'd rather not
> > wait 90 days for the original clusterfuzz bug to be made public.
> > 
> > I'm not subscribed to the list so I'd appreciate Cc:s on replies.
> > 
> > Thanks

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