The 3.20.0 release will be delayed.  Some concerns came up over the
new sqlite3_value_pointer() interface.  Interface chagnes were made
over the weekend.  But there are still concerns.  So the decision has
been made to back off and give the current design a few weeks to soak
before trying to press forward with a release which will commit us to
a particular design.

The draft website is still up at - note that
the change log at now
identifies three (obscure) backwards compatibility breaks.  Your input
on these changes is requested.

The "prelease snapshot" on is
up-to-date for people who want to try out the new code.  Please do so.
Report any concerns here or via direct email to me.

I will try provide a write-up on the motivations, use, and limitations
of sqlite3_value_pointer() soon.

All of the changes that where queued for release on branch-3.20 are on
trunk.  Development will continue on trunk until we restart the
release cycle.

The check-list ( has
been reset to its initial state.  It will start over again in a week
or two.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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