On Sep 24, 2005, at 10:10 AM, Richard Nagle wrote:

Sorry, to say,
its a STACK of papers on my desk, Next to the Other several stacks,
of papers...

So, Was looking for a easier Method of getting Paper (typing) data,
into Sqlite, with out going threw all the insert...commands.

You will need to type the values at least once to convert from paper to bits, but you need not type in the INSERT command. Type them in Excel, or in a text editor... save the file as a CSV file, then load the file in SQLite (I believe there is a command to load CSV... if not, use the editor's capability to add the INSERT INTO car bit with the correct parens and quotes, etc.).

Make sure to quote the text, and not the numbers. Make sure the values are in the same order as the columns, and you won't even have to name the columns.

Reid Thompson wrote:
Richard Nagle wrote:
is there a easier way of typing in data to Sqlite.

sqlite> insert into car (md_num, md_name, style, year)
   ...> values (1, 'Honda', 'Coupe', 1983)
   ...> ;

Man, just 806 more listing....
just looking for some short cuts, or helper apps...etc.
to cut down some of the typing.

Thanks -
do you already have the data in another format?
csv?, excel?, space delimited?
just about any consistent format can be handled via one of many of the scripting languages.

Puneet Kishor

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