Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> I have the following query:
>     SELECT used
>     FROM   usedProverbs
>     LIMIT  1
> The view useProverbs is defined as:
>     CREATE VIEW usedProverbs AS
>     SELECT   *
>     FROM     proverbs
>     WHERE    CAST(used AS INT) <> 0
>     ORDER BY used ASC
> But I am told this is not clear and that I should use:
>     SELECT   used
>     FROM     usedProverbs
>     ORDER BY used
>     LIMIT    1
> But when I use those in DBBrowser, the first takes almost always 0 ms,
> while the second takes between 13 and 16 ms. Why does the second one take
> so much more time?

Because only the first sort can be optimized away with an index
(which you did not mention).

If you believe what you're told (that ORDER BY must be in the
outermost query), then remove the ORDER BY from the view.

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