2017-08-24 11:29 GMT+02:00 Clemens Ladisch <clem...@ladisch.de>:

> Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> > I always use an ORDER BY after a GROUP BY.
> Without an ORDER BY, there is no guarantee that the result has any
> specific order (in SQLite and in any other SQL database).

​That is what I thought, but you never know. So I just wanted to check.

> > For example:
> > SELECT   used
> > ,        COUNT(used)
> > FROM     usedProverbs
> > GROUP BY used
> > ORDER BY used
> >
> > But when I leave the ORDER BY out in this case, the result is the same,
> but
> > it looks like it is a bit faster.
> Are you sure?  How does the output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN look like?

​No, I am not sure. I executed both a few times in the database browser.
Both have widely varying used times. But at first glance it looked that
without ORDER BY is about 2 times faster. But it is only at first glance,
so certainly not something concrete.​

​The explains. I do not really see a difference. There is only an offset
difference. I also do not see a sort. (But this is the first time I look at
this kind of code.)​

​EXPLAIN SELECT used, COUNT(used) FROM usedProverbs GROUP BY used ORDER BY
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     39    0                    00  Start at 39
1     Noop           2     4     0                    00
2     Noop           3     1     0                    00
3     Integer        0     4     0                    00  r[4]=0; clear
abort flag
4     Integer        0     3     0                    00  r[3]=0; indicate
accumulator empty
5     Null           0     7     7                    00  r[7..7]=NULL
6     Gosub          6     36    0                    00
7     OpenRead       1     290   0     3              00  root=290 iDb=0;
8     OpenRead       4     6     0     k(2,,)         00  root=6 iDb=0;
9     Rewind         4     26    9     0              00
10      Seek           4     0     1                    00  Move 1 to
11      Column         4     0     9     notUsed        00
12      Cast           9     68    0                    00  affinity(r[9])
13      Eq             10    25    9     (BINARY)       54  if r[9]==r[10]
goto 25
14      Column         4     0     8     notUsed        00
15      Compare        7     8     1     k(1,B)         00  r[7] <-> r[8]
16      Jump           17    21    17                   00
17      Move           8     7     1                    00  r[7]=r[8]
18      Gosub          5     30    0                    00  output one row
19      IfPos          4     38    0                    00  if r[4]>0 then
r[4]-=0, goto 38; check abort flag
20      Gosub          6     36    0                    00  reset
21      Column         4     0     9     notUsed        00
22      AggStep0       0     9     2     count(1)       01  accum=r[2]
23      Column         4     0     1     notUsed        00
24      Integer        1     3     0                    00  r[3]=1;
indicate data in accumulator
25    Next           4     10    0                    01
26    Gosub          5     30    0                    00  output final row
27    Goto           0     38    0                    00
28    Integer        1     4     0                    00  r[4]=1; set abort
29    Return         5     0     0                    00
30    IfPos          3     32    0                    00  if r[3]>0 then
r[3]-=0, goto 32; Groupby result generator entry point
31    Return         5     0     0                    00
32    AggFinal       2     1     0     count(1)       00  accum=r[2] N=1
33    Copy           1     11    1                    00  r[11..12]=r[1..2]
34    ResultRow      11    2     0                    00  output=r[11..12]
35    Return         5     0     0                    00  end groupby
result generator
36    Null           0     1     2                    00  r[1..2]=NULL
37    Return         6     0     0                    00
38    Halt           0     0     0                    00
39    Transaction    0     0     65    0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
40    Integer        0     10    0                    00  r[10]=0
41    Goto           0     1     0                    00

EXPLAIN SELECT used, COUNT(used) FROM usedProverbs GROUP BY used;
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     38    0                    00  Start at 38
1     Noop           2     1     0                    00
2     Integer        0     4     0                    00  r[4]=0; clear
abort flag
3     Integer        0     3     0                    00  r[3]=0; indicate
accumulator empty
4     Null           0     7     7                    00  r[7..7]=NULL
5     Gosub          6     35    0                    00
6     OpenRead       1     290   0     3              00  root=290 iDb=0;
7     OpenRead       3     6     0     k(2,,)         00  root=6 iDb=0;
8     Rewind         3     25    9     0              00
9       Seek           3     0     1                    00  Move 1 to
10      Column         3     0     9     notUsed        00
11      Cast           9     68    0                    00  affinity(r[9])
12      Eq             10    24    9     (BINARY)       54  if r[9]==r[10]
goto 24
13      Column         3     0     8     notUsed        00
14      Compare        7     8     1     k(1,B)         00  r[7] <-> r[8]
15      Jump           16    20    16                   00
16      Move           8     7     1                    00  r[7]=r[8]
17      Gosub          5     29    0                    00  output one row
18      IfPos          4     37    0                    00  if r[4]>0 then
r[4]-=0, goto 37; check abort flag
19      Gosub          6     35    0                    00  reset
20      Column         3     0     9     notUsed        00
21      AggStep0       0     9     2     count(1)       01  accum=r[2]
22      Column         3     0     1     notUsed        00
23      Integer        1     3     0                    00  r[3]=1;
indicate data in accumulator
24    Next           3     9     0                    01
25    Gosub          5     29    0                    00  output final row
26    Goto           0     37    0                    00
27    Integer        1     4     0                    00  r[4]=1; set abort
28    Return         5     0     0                    00
29    IfPos          3     31    0                    00  if r[3]>0 then
r[3]-=0, goto 31; Groupby result generator entry point
30    Return         5     0     0                    00
31    AggFinal       2     1     0     count(1)       00  accum=r[2] N=1
32    Copy           1     11    1                    00  r[11..12]=r[1..2]
33    ResultRow      11    2     0                    00  output=r[11..12]
34    Return         5     0     0                    00  end groupby
result generator
35    Null           0     1     2                    00  r[1..2]=NULL
36    Return         6     0     0                    00
37    Halt           0     0     0                    00
38    Transaction    0     0     65    0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
39    Integer        0     10    0                    00  r[10]=0
40    Goto           0     1     0                    00

Cecil Westerhof
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