On 8/25/17 2:15 PM, Keith Medcalf wrote:
When the included file is in " " then the file is expected to be located relative to the current directory.  If the 
included file is in < > then it is relative to one of the directories specified in the "include search path".  This 
search may or may not include the "current directory" but to have "current directory" included, you have to 
specify the directory location specifically to the compiler -- it does not automatically look in the current directory for files 
included with the < > syntax.
This is incorrect. The Standard doesn't even require the that Standard define includes even actually be 'C files', and the header files don't need to be in 'directory'

What the standard does say is that includes specified with <> look in a set of implementation defined places, and that includes with "" look in another set of implementation defined places, with the addition that if it doesn't find them there, it looks in the places defined for <>

Generally, and traditionally, the <> list of places is thought of as the 'system' include path, and the "" list of places are the user include path, and it is fairly normal that the "" list includes the current directory.

Richard Damon

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