
it guess it must be some special settings. We used sqlite quite some time now and the last build problem we got with ndk is quite long time ago.


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Am 11.09.2017 um 17:28 schrieb Dan Kennedy:
On 09/11/2017 05:20 AM, Mark Sibly wrote:

I just encountered a problem trying to build the sqlite amalgamation
package for android with the latest NDK (v15.2.4203891) on windows 10.

The compiler couldn't find mmap, which was causing a ton of errors.

I solved it by sticking this at the top-ish of sqlite3.c

#if __ANDROID__
#include <sys/mman.h>

Thanks for reporting this. Which version are you trying to build?

Are you building with any special options - SQLITE_OMIT_WAL or similar?

When things are working right, sys/mman.h should be included if required by the amalgamation equivalent of this line:


Can you post the first couple of compiler errors?


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