On 18 September 2017 at 16:52, David Wellman <dwell...@ward-analytics.com>

> To run a select statement the application code has to:
> sqlite3_prepare: parse the sql, make sure it's valid, build the plan
> (using "nifty heuristics" :-) )
> sqlite3_step - this one runs the sql, builds an answer set and then
> returns the first row
> >>>   AT THIS POINT the application doesn't know how many rows are in the
> answer set only that there is at least 1. <<<
> (but presumably sqlite does know how many there are)

This presumption does not hold, in general. SQLite has no magical
background processing powers - each time you call sqlite3_step it picks up
where it left off and does the work to retrieve the next result row.

A similar common misconception (which I was guilty of) is that SQLite must
know how many rows are in a particular table, so it can optimise "SELECT
count(*) FROM t" to be super fast. It doesn't -- it needs to walk the btree
to count the number of rows.

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