Ralf Junker wrote:

Summming up: Observations show that SQLite3 behaves inconsistent when storing 
and/or calculating numbers as INTEGERs or REALs. The point I am personally 
worried about is not so much the storage side of things but the calculation 
errors resulting from it.

I would like to propose the resolve this inconsistency as follows:


3. If the division of INTEGERs can not be stored as an INTEGER (i.e. if a % b 
!= 0), the result should be returned as a REAL.

But this would break much, much code that expects integers to be treated as integers. This can't be right. Implementation would require, for every integer calculation, conversion to REAL, performing the calculation, and checking whether the result is an integer (within some tolerence). This suggestion won't float.

Gerry Snyder
American Iris Society Director, Symposium Chair
in warm, winterless Los Angeles -- USDA zone 9b, Sunset 18-19

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