On Saturday, 14 October, 2017 04:37, Richard Damon <rich...@damon-family.org>, 

>One way to make them build one to at-most-one relationships is too
>add a unique index on the foreign key, then it can only occur once.

>A True one-one relationship by the normailization rules says that
>they should all be in the same record.

Only for lower levels of normalization.  At the higher normalization levels 
optional 1:1 related data, particularly any which contains meaningful relations 
between the candidates and data of that relation of its own, goes into its own 
relation joined to the parent through a 1:1 relationship.

It can also be viewed as a physical layer implementation optimization where no 
such requirement exists from normalization to move the optional relation into 
its own 1:1 relation.

Of course, if you normalize all the way up to where you end up with a "virtual 
master" containing only relationships to the actual data containing relations, 
then this will always be in a 1:1 relation with the master.

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