On 10/17/17, advancenOO <haveagoodtime2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In order to profile sqlite 3.9.2 and sqlite 3.16.2, I run speedtest1.c on my
> mobile phone.
> It is weird to find that 3.9.2 is better than 3.16.2, especially in the
> following case:
>         “270, 10000 DELETEs, numeric BETWEEN, indexed"
>         3.9.2 uses 0.7s while 3.16.2 uses 1.8s;
> My relevant compilation options are shown below:
> Further more, 3.16.2 performs better when I decrease the delete times from
> 10000 to 1000.
> So is it expected? If not, then what might be the possible reason?

It is not expected.  In fact, it directly contradicts our on
measurements shown here: https://www.sqlite.org/cpu.html

I have no explanation for your anomalous result.

Aside:  This email originally went into Spam.  I only discovered it,
moments ago, while searching for a different message that had gone to
D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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