On Thu Nov 02, 2017 at 10:18:41AM -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On 11/2/17, David Raymond <david.raym...@tomtom.com> wrote:
> > For basic level you can use a check constraint
> >
> > create table Table1 (
> >   TestDate DATETIME
> >     check (TestDate like '____-__-__ __:__:__'
> >            and datetime(TestDate) is not null)
> > );
> >
> > That should check that it's in the correct format, and the second part
> > should check that there's no garbage in there.
> How about this approach:
>   CREATE TABLE table1(
>       TestDate DATETIME NOT NULL
>           CHECK(julianday(TestDate) IS NOT NULL)
>   )
> All of the date/time functions return a NULL if you give them an
> invalid date/time as input.  So checking for a NULL result is a good
> way to validate the date/time.  This goes further than the LIKE
> pattern above, as it inhibits nonsense dates such as 'abcd-ef-gh
> ij:kl:mn' which the LIKE pattern would apparently accept.

That approach is also not quite sufficient to ensure that the input is
actually a yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm::ss format, because the SQLite datetime
functions also accept HH:MM, 'now', integers/float...

    sqlite> select julianday(2017323.32);

To be really sure the input conforms to a particular date/time format
you need to round-trip it:

    CREATE TABLE Table1(
        TestDate DATETIME NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT valid_datetime CHECK(
            TestDate = COALESCE(
                datetime( julianday(TestDate) ),
                TestDate || x'

Mark Lawrence
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