in linux inotify -
in windows  FindFirstChangeNotification/FindNextChangeNotification

if you wait for an actual change before checking to see if there really was
a change....
and can prevent arbitrary polling

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Wout Mertens <>

> I'm working with a db that's only written to in transations, and each
> transaction increases a db-global version counter.
> This means that I can cache all reads, unless the version changed.
> What would be the most efficient way to make sure I *never* serve stale
> data?
> Right now everything's a single process, so it's really easy, just clear
> the cache on every write. However, I want to be prepared for the near
> future where I will have multiple processes using this db file.
> I'm thinking that to detect writes, this might be a safe approach:
> Before serving any cached read, check the timestamp on the wal file. If it
> changed, read the global version. If it changed, clear the cache.
> Otherwise, serve the cached read.
> Is it safe to assume that all writes would mean change of the wal file
> timestamp?
> More importantly, is it faster to check the timestamp or would a prepared
> query for the version actually be faster (and safer)?
> Also, I'm using WAL right now, but I wonder if that's really useful given
> the single-writer-at-a-time?
> Thank you for your insights,
> Wout.
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