Robin Breathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hugh Gibson wrote:
I'm intrigued. How do you get SQLite to use a multi-column index as it's
primary key (i.e. B-tree hash)? Please elaborate.
Simply CREATE TABLE TransactionList (sTransactionID Text(13) DEFAULT '',sCommunityID Text(13) DEFAULT '',sObject Text(13) , PRIMARY KEY (sCommunityID, sTransactionID))
Ah, but it's not used for the B-tree hash (at least not according to the

The ROWID is always used as the btree key (not hash!) on the main
database btree.  But when you have a PRIMARY KEY a separate index
btree is also created which uses the PRIMARY KEY as its key.

Question:  Why is this important to you?

(Side note: I am experimenting with a new Mail User Agent that
uses SQLite to store all its email messages.  I appologize in advance
if this message is misformatted or otherwise garbled.)
D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I thought you might want to know that your new agent doesn't add References: <message-id> or In-Reply-To: <message-id>.
This is not a big deal, but it does break discussion threading a little.


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