On Nov 18, 2017 1:22 PM, "Richard Hipp" <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

On 11/18/17, Balaji Ramanathan <balaji.ramanat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>     I have installed Tcl/Tk from a couple of places on the web (activetcl
> and magicsplat), and I find that neither of them has the latest version of
> sqlite3 as the standard sqlite3 package.  ActiveTcl seems to be linked to
> sqlite 3.13 while magicsplat's version comes with sqlite 3.20.
>     What do I need to do to get them both up to sqlite 3.21?

On the SQLite download page, you will find both a Pre-release Snapshot
and a "sqlite-autoconf" tarball.  Download either of these.  (I
suggest the Pre-release Snapshot so that you can help us beta test!)

Untar, and cd into the "tea" subdirectory.  Then type:  "./configure;
make install".  That is suppose to install the latest SQLite for TCL.
"TEA" is the "Tcl Extension Architecture".

Reading the original post, plus his response to your first answer, it
appears to me that he actually wants to update a binary package version of
TCL/TK, compiled for the Windows platform, to a newer version of SQLite
without (ideally) recompiling anything, or at least without recompiling the
binary TCL/TK package.

Your instructions are for recompiling TCL/TK with the newer version of
SQLite on a Unix/Linux type platform, AFAICT.

I'd think that dropping a newer version of SQLite, compiled as a run-time
linkable library, into a pre-existing binary compiled to use a previous
version of SQLite would require the ABI for SQLite (compiled for use as a
linkable library) to be identical between versions, or at least backwards
compatible (such that a newer version of the library can be used with an
application compiled for a previous version of the library to provide the
same functionality as the previous version, tho not newer functionality
first provided by the newer version of the library).

But is this a reasonable thing to expect on any platform, and specifically
on the Windows platform?  I don't know that it is, at least in this case.

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